*This is a 2021 archived project, view this year’s projects here.
Project overview: Make a series of new signs to share key orientation and educational information with visitors at Tenaya Lake, including along the new loop trail.
How your support helps: During the past decade, Conservancy donors have supported multiple projects to protect habitat and create a safe, environmentally sound hiking loop around Tenaya Lake. From the east beach, where park crews restored the lakeshore ecosystem and improved pedestrian access, to the west end, now home to an easy-to-follow path and boardwalk, these projects have reshaped the trail system around the mile-long lake.
This year, in addition to supporting the final phase of Tenaya Lake trail work along the north shore, your gifts are funding the design and creation of multiple signs that will be installed at key points around the lake. New orientation panels for Murphy Creek, on the north shore, and the Sunrise Trailhead parking lot, at the west end, will welcome visitors with maps, directions and information about the area. Your support will also fund several large porcelain enamel interpretive panels to be placed along the loop trail, which will invite hikers to pause and learn about the lake’s history and ecology. As trail crews wrap up the hiking loop, this grant ensures people will not only be able to hike safely around the lake, but will also be able to explore the area’s natural and cultural history.
Project partner: Yosemite National Park.