Yosemite’s future depends on its future champions. Your support can fund programs that inspire the next generation of park-lovers and public lands leaders by helping kids, teens and young adults get outside, explore and learn about the natural world, and participate in stewardship projects.
Current Projects

Parks in Focus

Adventure Risk Challenge


Expanding Horizons

Junior Rangers

Yosemite Leadership Program
Through donor-supported youth programs, tens of thousands of children have earned their Junior Ranger badges, middle- and high-school students have immersed in the Yosemite Wilderness on camping and backpacking trips, undergraduates have learned about environmental leadership and completed prestigious internships with park professionals, and young adults have honed trail restoration skills in the ultimate outdoor classroom.
The impact of those programs doesn’t end when a hike, summer course or semester wraps up — many youth-program alumni have gone on to careers in public lands, including in Yosemite.
Areas of Focus
Thanks to supporters, we’ve provided over $152 million to Yosemite for more than 800 completed projects. Donor gifts help improve trails, restore habitat, protect wildlife, inspire the next generation of nature-lovers and more. Explore our funding areas to see current and past projects.-
Trail Rehabilitation
& AccessTrail Rehabilitation
& Access -
Management -
Restoration -
Research -
Cultural &
Historic PreservationCultural &
Historic Preservation -
Services & EducationVisitor
Services & Education -
Youth in
YosemiteYouth in
Yosemite -