The park’s protected landscape supports an astounding array of wildlife, including more than 400 kinds of mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and reptiles, and provides a haven for threatened and endangered species. Your support can fund projects to study and protect animals that make their seasonal or year-round homes in Yosemite.
Current Projects

Sierra Nevada Red Fox Research

Bighorn Sheep: Saving a Species

Peregrine Falcon Protection

Songbird Science

Bat Habitat and White-Nose Syndrome

Spotted Owl & Changing Fire Landscape

Imperiled Fishers Habitat Study

Amphibians and Aquatic Wildlife Restoration
With your support, wildlife experts help ensure that Yosemite’s diverse animals, from tiny butterflies to 250-pound black bears, can thrive in their natural habitats. Donor-funded projects have helped park wildlife teams bring endangered bighorn sheep back to the Cathedral Range after a century-long absence; restore populations of California red-legged frogs and western pond turtles; record the first sighting of a rare red fox inside the park in 99 years; dramatically reduce bear-related incidents through visitor education, effective food-storage solutions and bear-monitoring technology; and much more.
To learn more about how donors’ gifts have made a difference for Yosemite wildlife, check out our past projects.
Areas of Focus
Thanks to supporters, we’ve provided over $152 million to Yosemite for more than 800 completed projects. Donor gifts help improve trails, restore habitat, protect wildlife, inspire the next generation of nature-lovers and more. Explore our funding areas to see current and past projects.-
Trail Rehabilitation
& AccessTrail Rehabilitation
& Access -
Management -
Restoration -
Research -
Cultural &
Historic PreservationCultural &
Historic Preservation -
Services & EducationVisitor
Services & Education -
Youth in
YosemiteYouth in
Yosemite -