Yosemite Toad Recovery

The Yosemite toad (Bufo canorus), once common in the Sierra Nevada, has disappeared from more than 50% of the sites where it occurred historically.

Currently a Federal candidate species for listing under the Endangered Species Act, the Yosemite toad may be a harbinger for the future for other species.

Scientists will identify the toad’s complete range and the condition of its habitats within the park and determine the current distribution and population status of this species.

Study results will also aid park staff in determining what management actions are needed to protect and restore this species within its historic range.

Doug and Judy Adams

Yosemite Conservancy donors

Project Notes

Yosemite is the most magical place on earth. We support the Conservancy because we want this most beautiful of national parks preserved for all of us, and for your children and ours, for all time.