The Yosemite Creek Bridge near Yosemite Falls receives heavy pedestrian traffic eager to catch a glimpse of one of Yosemite’s most accessible and well-known wonders.

Dangerous Conditions Resolved

This vital bridge is the primary conduit for foot and bicycle traffic between Yosemite Lodge and Yosemite Village.  When it failed during the January 1997 floods, visitors were directed to take a circuitous detour over two bridges not designed for bikes.  As a result, many visitors chose to use the adjacent extremely narrow vehicle bridge, putting themselves and drivers in serious danger. 


In 2008, the Conservancy helped fund construction of a new bridge thanks in part to a generous donor contribution of custom-engineered steel bridge beams from Herrick Steel.  The new bridge blends well with the adjacent stone and wood footbridges and is designed for improved access and better accommodation of high water runoff.  Thanks to this important restoration, easy and safe access has been restored to popular Yosemite Falls while improving overall pedestrian traffic in the Valley.

Doug and Judy Adams

Yosemite Conservancy donors

Project Notes

Yosemite is the most magical place on earth. We support the Conservancy because we want this most beautiful of national parks preserved for all of us, and for your children and ours, for all time.