*This is a 2019 archived project, view this year’s projects here.

The Yosemite Research Library holds thousands of park-related materials, including a collection of vintage images of people, places and wildlife. The photographs, taken during the first half of the 20th century, serve as key primary sources for cultural and natural history. The irreplaceable images are aging, degrading — and in high demand.

In 2018, with support from donors, Student Conservation Association interns researched and digitized more than 6,000 images, which are now publicly available on the NPGallery website. In 2019, your support helped another group of SCA interns gain experience in archival science as they worked with library staff to document, digitize and publish thousands more images, enabling anyone with an internet connection to access images that capture moments and stories from Yosemite’s past.

Your gifts helped preserve and share images that illuminate Yosemite’s human and natural history. Read more about this project in our Q&A with the 2019 interns!

Completed in partnership with Yosemite National Park and Student Conservation Association.

Paul Rogers

Archivist, Yosemite National Park

Project Notes

Park staff, researchers and the general public will benefit from the online accessibility of the digitized images. Anyone anywhere will be able to search, locate and download images directly from the web.