*This is a 2024 archived project, view this year’s projects here.

Project overview: Provide internet hubs in Yosemite NPS housing and community centers to keep seasonal staff connected.

How your support helps: Seasonal staff travel from all over the country to keep Yosemite operational each summer. For many, the lack of internet at their housing unit can feel isolating; it is a reason some employees choose not to return for employment with Yosemite next season. As part of the superintendent’s efforts to spruce up seasonal housing and communal spaces, internet will be provided in the following areas: 

  • Rancheria Flat Upper Field/tennis court area 
  • El Portal Community Hall area 
  • Motor Inn Cabins area 
  • Valley Lower Housing area 
  • Wawona Community Center 
  • Hetch Hetchy Ranger Station 

Internet connectivity is a component of a larger, ongoing effort to improve seasonal housing and communal spaces, and address retention issues throughout the park. This project will also upgrade shared areas for community use, adding lawn, outdoor seating, and improved lighting. 

When seasonal staff have a nice place to hang out, check in with family and friends, meet new people, and enjoy their housing area, they are more likely to return the following summer.  

This year: Internet hubs in our housing areas and community centers will ensure our staff can connect, no matter how far they are from home.

Project partners: Yosemite National Park

Ansley Singer

Visitor and Resource Protection, Yosemite National Park

Project Notes

"We need all employees to feel like they have a connection to the outside world. Internet hubs in our housing areas and community centers will ensure our staff can connect, no matter how far they are from home."