*This is a 2019 archived project, view this year’s projects here.
Healthy wetlands play critical roles in Yosemite: They store vital water supplies and support diverse species, including western pond turtles and California red-legged frogs. In some cases, however, development has taken a toll on these essential ecosystems.
This grant funded key steps in the restoration of an acre of wetland habitat at the secluded Lower River Amphitheater in eastern Yosemite Valley. Crews removed an 80-foot section of trail that has disrupted natural hydrology; in its place, they set the stage for a raised boardwalk that will allow water to flow freely from the amphitheater area to other nearby wetlands. Additional steps to revitalize the wetland included pulling out abandoned asphalt and other infrastructure, removing invasive plants, and sowing native vegetation.
Your support helped propel efforts to transform a damaged wetland into a healthy home for water-loving wildlife.
Completed in partnership with Yosemite National Park.