*This is a 2022 archived project, view this year’s projects here.

Project overview: Assess conservation and restoration needs for the park’s collection of historical vehicles.

How your support helps: In the 1960s, the National Park Service began work to establish a transportation museum in El Portal on the site of the original depot where early travelers to Yosemite transferred from trains to stagecoaches (and later motorized buses) on their journey to the park. While the original museum project was never completed, a simple pole barn was constructed to exhibit some of the park’s historical wagons and vehicles.

Today, this pole barn is deteriorating, enclosed by a simple wire mesh fence that fails to protect the vehicles from continual exposure to weather and wildlife. With your support, staff can finally assess the conservation and restoration needs of these vehicles and develop a plan to stabilize and clean each artifact.

This year: In 2022, with your help, a professional conservator will travel to Yosemite to closely examine each vehicle, asses their current condition, and prepare recommendations that detail how to properly clean and refurbish these historical assets. These actions will help safeguard this unique collection of Yosemite artifacts, eventually making them available for the enjoyment and education of future visitors.

Project partner: Yosemite National Park

Ephraim Dickson

Museum and Media, Yosemite National Park

Project Notes

"(This grant) will help safeguard some of the park's important historical artifacts and make them available for the enjoyment of future visitors."