*This is a 2024 archived project, view this year’s projects here.

Project overview: Repair seasonal damage from rockfalls, storms, and downed trees to ensure visitors can enjoy safe, high-quality hiking on popular Valley trails.

How your support helps: During busy summer months, the trails that trace Yosemite Valley’s floor and walls — such as the Mirror Lake, Mist, Yosemite Falls, and Four Mile trails — welcome a near-constant stream of day hikers and sightseers. Seasonal restoration work keeps these beloved trails in top shape and helps protect surrounding habitat. 

Since 2005, our donors have helped fund 18 seasons of essential repairs on the Valley’s beloved, much-used trails. National Park Service crew members clear hazards, such as fallen trees and rocks; repair damaged sections; and make sure switchbacks, walls, steps, and drainage systems are in sound condition. They also take on major restoration projects. In recent years, for example, donor-supported crews put in new trail tread, built stone walls, and improved drainage on the heavily traveled stretch between Happy Isles Road and the start of the Mist/John Muir Trail. Their work helps ensure the Valley’s trails can endure as hiker-friendly routes that minimize erosion, protect surrounding habitat, and encourage people to stay on designated paths. 

This year: Last winter saw a substantial amount of snow and water that caused extensive damage to the trails. In 2024, NPS trail experts will clear trees and brush, and repair affected trails, especially along the Yosemite Falls and Four Mile trails.

Project partner: Yosemite National Park

Dave Kari

Trails Supervisor, Yosemite National Park

Project Notes

"Yosemite Valley is the most visited destination in the park, with the most heavily utilized trail system. With this grant, we will be able to keep trails in good condition, allowing visitors the optimum trails experience in the Valley."