Share Your Passion
Help visitors have the best possible experience in Yosemite by sharing your knowledge of the park! Our visitor information assistants spend a month helping park visitors from around the world enjoy Yosemite, while also giving back to the park and deepening their own connection to this special place.
Visitor information assistants play an essential role in the park, including by sharing key information with visitors at outdoor contact stations and reinforcing Preventive Search and Rescue (PSAR) safety messages on popular trails.
Our volunteers camp as a group in Yosemite and typically work 32 hours per week. Volunteers enjoy free entrance into Yosemite, a 30% discount on books and educational materials at Yosemite Conservancy bookstores, discounts from the park concessioner, and time off to explore the park.
How To Become A Volunteer
*Returning volunteers can log in and edit their profile with their 2025 selections.
STEP 1 – Review the following resources and identify your preferred placement.
- 2025 VIA Schedule and Locations
- Visitor Information Assistant Frequently Asked Questions
- Visitor Information Assistant Position Description
STEP 2– Create your volunteer profile. Reference the 2025 VIA Schedule and Locations above and indicate your preferences in your profile. Please keep in mind there is a 30-minute window to submit your registration so decide on your selections before you begin.
*Every applicant will need to create their own profile with a unique email address to be considered.
STEP 3– Your application will be reviewed by Yosemite Conservancy program staff. This is an application only and does not guarantee your place in a project. Volunteer spots are limited, while we appreciate all applications, applying does not guarantee volunteer placement.
Please direct questions to [email protected].