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There’s nothing quite like cozying into your sleeping bag on a backpacking trip in Yosemite. Maybe the stars shine brighter without the glow of fluorescent lights; maybe the sounds of trees lull you to sleep instead of the whir of cars you’re used to; or maybe your pack was heavy and sleeping on the ground feels more welcome in this space.

Whatever draws you to backpacking, we’re happy you’re here! AND we want to make sure that you’re prepared and having fun on the trail — whether it’s your first or fifty-first trip. If you’re a backpacker of any level, use this guide to (literally) take the next step in your backcountry journey.

When hiking in Yosemite National Park, please remember that a wilderness permit is required year-round for backpacking trips. So the first step to backpacking in Yosemite is obtaining a permit!

Three backpackers stop along a woody trail to consult their map. They all wear big backpacks, long-sleeve shirts, and pants.

Photo by Keith Walklet/Yosemite Conservancy.

Beginner Backpackers

First of all, congrats! Getting into a new hobby is a fun, but sometimes intimidating adventure. Remember to start small. Hiking with an extra 20 to 40+ pounds on your back isn’t an easy feat. Even if you’re used to hiking 12 miles in a day, start with something smaller — maybe four to five miles per day — and without a lot of elevation gain for your first backpacking trip. If that seems too big, start even smaller! You can always pick a campsite that’s one to two miles out, set up camp, and enjoy or hike the surrounding area without your heavy pack.

Starting your backpacking journey with an experienced friend or naturalist can help ease the learning process and boost the potential for fun. Yosemite Conservancy offers a variety of beginner backpacking experiences — from overnight stargazing to two-day, low-mileage trips and step-by-step introductory backpacking programs. Find inspiration or the perfect first trip on our website!

Gear can also be a big obstacle to backpacking. It might be useful to rent gear from brands like REI, Sports Basement, Echo’s Yosemite Basecamp Outfitter, or Kit Lender for your first trip. Need more gear and planning tips? Check out our gear rentals blog and our backpack packing video.

Beginner-friendly trek with Yosemite Conservancy:


Three backpackers cross a stream in an open grassy area. Two backpackers stand on either side of the stream, while the third attempts to cross using rocks and logs in the middle of the stream. In the background are beautiful mountain ranges.

Photo by Roy Williams Photography.


Intermediate Backpackers

So, you’ve done the one-nighters and low-mileage trips and you’re ready for more? Start by upping either your mileage OR your days (i.e., don’t go from 1-night, 10-mile trips to 2-night, 20-mile trips), otherwise, you might overwork your legs and back. Once one starts to feel good, you can up the other as well.

On the other hand, maybe you’re an experienced backpacker looking to slow down the pace. If this is you, you might enjoy our Relaxed Backpacking trips to connect with others who still want to trek but don’t need to push themselves too hard. These intermediate trips allow backpackers to cover less mileage while still experiencing the beauty of Yosemite.

Also important at this level of backpacking is your gear and nutrition. High-calorie meals will help you feel stronger, and packing smart to lighten your load will make the journey feel easier. This doesn’t necessarily mean “go out and buy expensive lightweight equipment,” but it does mean you might want to leave your second book behind and be thoughtful about your total pack weight.

Mid-level treks with Yosemite Conservancy:


Two backpackers stop to smile at the view. One wears a long blue shirt and a white headband, while the other wears a neon green long sleeve shirt, a gray beanie, and tan pants. Behind them is a beautiful mountain and valley.

Photo by Keith Walklet/Yosemite Conservancy.


Experienced Backpackers

At this point, backpacking is like a second language, and double-digit mileage trips are part of your vocabulary. As an experienced backpacker you’re (maybe) looking for multi-day, high-elevation, heart-pumping adventures, and Yosemite’s backcountry is full of breathtaking options for you. Dipping your toe into long trips takes careful planning and an understanding of trail safety — make sure you know exactly where you’re going and where water is along the trail (and make sure you have a proper water filtration kit, there aren’t any faucets in the backcountry).

If you’d like help getting started, a custom backpacking trip with Yosemite Conservancy might be a great option. Our guides will plan a one-of-a-kind adventure for you to immerse yourself in the beauty and wonder of the backcountry.

Man pictured backpacking uphill with half dome in the background.

Photo by Keith Walklet/Yosemite Conservancy.

At any level and on every trip, remember to practice the Leave No Trace principles — staying on trail, properly disposing of waste, and other activities — to minimize your impact on the outdoors while backpacking. It is also SO important to remember that regardless of your experience, you are a backpacker! If you try a harder trip and realize that the one-night, low-mileage trips are more fun for you, ease on back. Whatever kind of backpacking brings you the most joy, is the best kind of backpacking.