Like others, I have many Yosemite stories, but the one I would like to share is this: My late husband and I came to Yosemite many times. We promised each other that if possible, we wanted the survivor of us to scatter the other’s ashes in Yosemite. When he died in 2010, I contacted Yosemite to request that I be able to scatter his ashes in Wawona Meadows, a place we particularly enjoyed. I received a lovely letter permitting me to do that; and on a beautiful April day, joined with a group of friends and family, I lovingly scattered his ashes in the meadow.
When we gathered for the event, a ranger was leading a group at the location we had chosen. We approached the ranger, showed him the letter, and told him what we wanted to do; and he not only moved his group, but greeted our group and welcomed us. It made us all feel good to know that we were honoring my husband’s wishes and scattering his ashes over such a sacred place.

Beauty shot of Wawona Meadow in early autumn, image Seamus Kerby