Richard Collins (aka Marty) hang-gliding in Yosemite.
I had been hang gliding for a few years when some flying buddies asked if I wanted to go fly Yosemite. I had never been there before, so I jumped at their offer. We set our gliders up at Glacier Point very early in the morning, and the experience of seeing the sun come up behind Half Dome was heavenly. The launch point on the hillside is very steep and very close to the edge — a bit sketchy when you’re carrying a hang glider. After launch-monitor Eves Tall Chief checked my glider and gear, it was time to hook in.
I picked the glider up, leaned forward, and in three steps, I was off! Three thousand feet above the valley floor. The air was so glassy smooth, I could fly my glider with one finger. I spent most of the flight just doing circles over the center of the Valley, soaking in the miraculous view. I was flushed with an overpowering sense of gratefulness, and I have never felt closer to God than I did then. I still had some altitude left, so I flew over to Yosemite Falls and got as close as I felt comfortable. I then got very close to the granite cliffside and watched the shadow of my glider fly across it. Now it was time to head for Leidig Meadow, where we land. I set up my approach and had a perfect landing. After watching my friends land, we busted out the champagne and wallowed in our blissfulness until the bottle was empty. Needless to say, I go back every chance I get.
Richard (Marty) Collins, donor