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Yosemite Youth Rescued

In August 1958, I traveled to Yosemite with four friends to camp in a tent, hike, and see the sights. I was 17 at the time. We hiked up Glacier Point using the creek bed — we had little to no knowledge of how to hike safely. We made it to the top, and two of us took the marked trail back. I decided on a short cut, and got stuck on a ledge part way down. I stood on that ledge for 18 hours until the rangers were able to reach me, even through the night. They heard me from below as I yelled for help. They called to me using bullhorns all night to keep me awake. At this time, the ‘firefall’ still happened, and they stopped it that night as it would have hit me. I believe it was their first time to stop the firefall since it began. The rangers reached me in the early morning after climbing part way down. They made a special rope for me to get into, and also threw me a guide rope to pull me up. I owe them my life, I  could have died. This event made the front page of every newspaper in California and on TV news. In the Long Beach Press Telegram (my local newspaper) the headline said “ LONG BEACH BOY CHEATS DEATH ON HIGH LEDGE” with a story of my rescue. I sent letters to the park thanking the rangers for what they did. I was a very lucky boy. I’ve been back many times since, and have told the story to different rangers. When I do come back I stand at the base of Glacier Point, look up, see my spot and say a prayer. I am one lucky person!!

Bill Beeghley

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