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4,000 feet - 6,000 feet

Registration Fee


Did you know there are 11 species of woodpeckers found in Yosemite — more than in any comparable area in the United States? Spend a day with an expert naturalist, carpooling from El Portal to various parts of the park to observe these industrious birds, and learn about their habitats and behaviors. With limited foliage and no distraction from summer birds, November is a perfect time to search for Yosemite’s woodpeckers — and enjoy a brisk stroll in good company!

Included with your registration:

  • Full-day guided hike in Yosemite Valley and surrounding areas starting at 9 am and lasting about six hours.
  • Park entry (as needed).
  • Camping included, if needed; limited sites are shared among all the participants (arriving November 15 departing November 17) at Upper Pines Campground.

Note: There is no discount if you choose not to use our gate pass or campsites. Information about upgrading your accommodations to stay at Yosemite Valley Lodge will be emailed to you after you sign up. The option to upgrade expires 45 days before the program.

Experience Level: Any. Participants must be physically fit.
Hiking: Easy–Moderate.
Elevation Range: 4,000 feet–6,000 feet (driving).
Registration price: $99
View a suggested day hike packing list.
See acorn woodpeckers and other tree-tapping birds on an expert-guided walk in Yosemite. Photo: Ann & Rob Simpson.