Art Class: Watercolor with Judy Person — Yosemite Conservancy

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0-1 miles


4000 ft

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Looking to learn watercolor basics? Wondering how to weave pen and ink into your watercolor creations? Curious about unique ways to take home precious moments in Yosemite through written word? This class is for you!

In this four-hour class, artist Judy Person takes an individualized approach to teaching nature journaling using watercolor and ink. Whether you’re looking for general tips or have specific questions, she’ll tailor her instruction to your level and needs, and she will guide you through a day of learning and practicing techniques that inspire you to continue nature journaling. Judy will provide helpful sketching and painting techniques as well as creative writing prompts to help you take home a unique piece of your experience. Beginners and experienced artists will enjoy plenty of time to practice the art of observing and find inspiration for their sketchbook pages, all within the magnificent setting of Yosemite Valley.

  • Experience level: All levels welcome; no experience required! Participants must be ages 12+ and all participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • What’s included: Four hours of art instruction and all art supplies needed for the duration of class! 
    • Please note registration is only for a single day of class, but you may sign up for multiple days of class if you wish. 
    • Advanced registration required. 
  • Location: Happy Isles Art and Nature Center (Shuttle Stop 16). All workshops will be held outside, weather permitting.
  • Time: 9 am to 1 pm, with classes recurring Monday–Friday
  • Financial Aid: For those with a genuine need of financial assistance to enable their participation in an art class, please email
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