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Pack your bags, hold on to your hats, and travel back in time to the era of the stagecoach! Yosemite storyteller Brian Shoor transfixes audiences with a colorful tale of Yosemite Valley in the late 1880s. Shoor’s absorbing performance follows the antics and adventures of a group of mischievous schoolchildren with legendary Yosemite as their playground. Enjoy an exhilarating, entertaining evening and learn about the brave families who overcame many obstacles to make a community during Yosemite’s early days.

Live stage performance at the Yosemite Theater (behind Yosemite Valley Visitor Center)
Select dates at 7 pm: September 3, September 10, September 17, September 22, September 23, October 1, October 4, October 8, October 15, October 17 and October 22
Adult tickets: $10. FREE tickets for children under 12 years of age.
Purchase tickets online, or at the Yosemite Conservancy Bookstore and Yosemite Hospitality Tour Desks.
Yosemite storyteller Brian Shoor transfixes audiences with a colorful tale of Yosemite Valley in the late 1880s. Photo: Yosemite Conservancy/Gretchen Roecker.