Thanks for your interest in contacting Yosemite Conservancy! Please use the form below to send a message to our team.
Chief Development Officer
- Marion Ingersoll
- 415-362-1464
Donor Inquiries
- Cailan Ackerman
- 415-966-5252
Major Gifts – Southern California
- Julia Hejl
- 323-217-4780
Major Gifts – Northern California & National
- Caitlin Allard
- 415-989-2848
Foundations & Corporations
- Laurie Peterson
- 415-906-1016
Estate Gifts
- Catelyn Spencer
- 415-891-1039
Annual Giving, Monthly Giving & Gifts in Memory
- Isabelle Luebbers
- 415-891-2216
Donor Events & Campaigns
- Riley Applewhite
- 415-989-2560
Gifts of Stock
- Eryn Ligon
- 415-891-1383
Press and Publishing
- Pete Bartelme
- 415-664-1503
Please include your deadline in your email or voicemail.
- Nicole Geiger
- n/a
We welcome book proposals and questions.
For more press-focused info, visit Press Room. Visit our Publishing page for more information.
San Francisco
Yosemite Conservancy (AKA Yosemite Foundation)
101 Montgomery Street, Suite 2450
San Francisco, CA 94104
El Portal
Yosemite Conservancy (AKA Yosemite Foundation)
P.O. Box 230
El Portal, CA 95318