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A wilderness climbing permit is currently required for all overnight big wall climbs in Yosemite. During this pilot program, wilderness climbing permits will be free and there will be no quotas or limits on the number of permits available. The permit process will provide an opportunity to educate climbers on Leave No Trace climbing ethics and park regulations, and help climbing rangers quantify use patterns on big walls.

For spring and summer:

  • Permits are available by self-registration (24 hours per day/7 days a week) in front of the Climbing Management Office located just west of the Yosemite Valley Visitor Center (in the same building as the Yosemite Museum).
  • Starting May 13, 2023 until July 3, 2023, permits will also be available at the Ask A Climber program, located at El Capitan Meadow from 12:30 pm until 4:30 pm.
  • This permit is for climbers who intend to sleep overnight on Yosemite’s big walls. If you are doing a day climb, you do not need a wilderness climbing permit.
  • Permits are free and issued without a quota. Pick up your permit the day before or day of the start of your overnight climb.
  • For more on the permit process, policies, and regulations, please visit the NPS Climbing Permits Page.
  • Climbing rangers will frequently be available at the Climbing Management Office for more in-depth big wall leave no trace and climbing technique advice, safety tips, and route condition information. Office hours and program times will be posted on the self registration board.

If you have climbing-specific questions, you can contact the park directly via email at [email protected]

When eastern Yosemite Valley is closed due to flooding, self-registration climbing permits are available at Arch Rock Entrance for climbs in western Yosemite Valley (El Capitan, Leaning Tower, Gold Wall, Cathedrals (and obscurities). Climbs in eastern Yosemite Valley are not accessible (e.g., Washington Column, Half Dome, Falls Wall, Lost Arrow).

Yosemite National Park is in the process of completing a long-term strategy for the stewardship of overnight big wall climbs. We will provide an update once we a final decision is made about the long-term permit process. Expected decision date summer of 2023.

Check out our Climbing Hub to read more about Yosemite Conservancy’s climbing programs — and learn Tommy Caldwell, Emily Harrington and Beth Rodden’s pro tips for climbing safely in the park.